Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Annual Sheep and Alpaca Shearing

 The students of Nature’s Pathways and 2nd Nature Academy recently observed the annual sheep and alpaca shearing.  The animals grow warm waterproof coats to insulate them from the elements in the winter.  Each spring Malcolm Cooper visits the school and shaves the animals with electric shears.   Malcolm explained to the children that shearing alpaca and sheep is similar to giving boys a “buzz haircut” and that it doesn’t hurt them at all.  The fiber is then washed, dried, and used for various crafts both at school and at summer camp.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Painted Lady Butterflies

On Friday May 6, 2010, the kindergarten classes released their Painted Lady Butterflies.  Over the past three and a half weeks, the students watched the larvae grow into large furry caterpillars and then transform into chrysalises.  After spring break, the students were excited to find Painted Ladies emerging from their chrysalises.  They were pleased to release the butterflies in a field of blooming wildflowers, where they will feed and lay their eggs and continue the Painted Lady life cycle.

Earth Day

On Friday, April 22, The Nature of Things joined forces and pitched in to help get our Earth clean in celebration of Earth Day.  Preschool through Elementary school children scoured the campus, as well as the Dunstable Rural Land Trust woods, to pick up trash.  The kids had a great time and enjoyed cleaning up their "outdoor classroom".  Their efforts are to be commended!